
Privacy, Confidentiality, Disclaimer & Copyright Statement

Meetings between stopAnger and its clients are confidential. Your anonymity is protected by its policy. Counselors keep session records and these are relevant to the client.


All discussion, meetings, counselling sessions and held information in stopAnger, whether written, verbal or cyber is confidential.

Even if you are under 16 we respect your right to confidentiality so nothing is discussed with anyone without your consent and this includes parents, guardians, family members, care workers or tutors.

The only exception would be if  we needed to pass on or share information to protect you or someone else from harm and we would always try to talk about this with you first.

If you are being seen elsewhere-for example at a hospital-it may be useful for the staff to know you are attending counselling but whether you choose to tell them is your personal decision.

Clients with special needs or learning difficulties have the same rights as clients who do not have these needs or difficulties if these clients demonstrate mental capacity at the time of engagement with this service. This information is documented.

Access Provisions.

All material generated during the course of any consultations is securely stored. Records are disclosed to clients upon request. stopAnger will only disclose to a third party if the client provides prior written consent. This still applies to clients under the age of 16.


Whilst care is taken to ensure that the stopAnger website is as up-to-date and accurate as possible, no responsibility can be taken by stopAnger for any errors or omissions contained herein.

Furthermore, responsibility for any loss, damage or distress resulting from adherence to any advice, suggestions or recommendations made available through this website or through stopAnger itself, howsoever caused, is equally disclaimed by stopAnger.


All Rights Reserved. All text, images, graphics, and other materials on this website are subject to the copyright and other intellectual property rights of stopAnger, unless otherwise stated.

These materials may not be reproduced, distributed, modified or reposted to other website's without the express written permission of stopAnger.

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